How to Bring Traffic to A New Blog?

Most new bloggers have a problem in common: they struggle to get Bring Traffic to their blog posts.

All I can say to the new bloggers is this: it’s COMMON. Everyone faced the situation, even your most favourite blogger.

Let me tell you the truth – the first SIX months are the hardest for any blogger. Because you won’t get much Bring Traffic, comments, shares or product sales on your blogs even though you work hard, it’s the hard truth!

Here I will discuss few tips that I personally used to get the decent number of unique page views every month. I hope you will definitely get decent traffic if you implement them.

Start guest posting with a purpose – Bring Traffic

The main purpose of your guest posting campaign is to get more visibility from the targeted readers and capture their emails.

Without any doubt, guest posting is one of the best ways to bring traffic to a new blog. But you must be targeting the top blogs in your niche to get lots of traffic.

If you are focusing on new and small blogs, expecting HUGE traffic will be just a dream. Because unless they have a huge readership, they can’t send quality traffic to your blogs.

Most people who are entering into guest blogging forget a few things, they either don’t target the right blogs or they don’t write quality posts for the guest blogs.

It’s a dumb mistake as a guest blogger if you keep the best stuff with you and do not use them as your guest posts. If you REALLY want to get more online visibility and create a brand for yourself – put your best foot forward! Give quality content even on your guest posts, I know it’s hard for a new blogger to giveaway the quality stuff to other blogs, but it is worth every second of your time.

Try to post regularly – Bring Traffic

Blog posting frequency is definitely a key factor in boosting your blog traffic.

If you have zero online reputation and you post ONLY once or twice a week, you WON’T get any traffic.


When no one knows that your blog exists, who reads it?

So, it’s essential to keep your name out there.

But don’t post just for the sake of posting. Always write delicious content that stands for something.

I don’t suggest daily posting though, but it is a perfect practice if you post quality articles at a regular pace.

Take out some time every day to write and read the best stuff, and news around your niche. And go through the articles on the top blogs, and read their comment section, and you will get lots of blog post ideas.

You can store them in drafts or notepads and can finish them whenever you get free time (that’s how I normally write).

Blog commenting can be the REAL deal

Blog commenting can bring LOTS of traffic to a new blog.Blog commenting works in two ways.

One: it can bring targeted traffic

Two: You can build strong relationships with other blogs

So, it’s a fair deal for a new blogger to spend quality time on. But don’t leave one liner comments like “good post”, “thanks for the share” etc. they will simply put your comments in a spam folder. Moreover no one likes to approve one liner comments on their posts, do you?

Always write thoughtful comments that will provoke the author’s minds. This is how you can bring more people attention to read your blog posts.

If others find your stuff interesting, they will also consider leaving great comments on your blog posts. So, blog commenting is a win/win approach.

It’s a great idea of commenting on CommentLuv enabled blogs, this way you will be able to display your recent posts (so that others can land on your blogs if they find your headlines interesting).

You can use this search engine to find commentluv and dofollow enabled blogs.

Note: This is the part I in bringing traffic to a new blog, I’ll be posting the next part of the article tomorrow. So stay tuned and please share the post with others.

Over to you:

Do you have any more tips to bring traffic to a new blog? Please discuss them below.

How to Bring Traffic to A New Blog – Part 2

Driving traffic to a new blog isn’t a hard task when you do it right.

ANYONE can bring massive traffic to their blogs even by using few effective methods. But remember that, not every traffic source is reliable, so you have to work on few traffic mediums where you can get decent traffic to make enough income from your online businesses.

In the previous post, we’ve discussed how to bring traffic to a new blog where we discussed about

  • guest blogging
  • regular posting and
  • blog commenting

We will find out few more simple yet effective ways to bring traffic to a new blog in this article.

Hire a blog writer who already has connections

One of the SMART strategies to bring traffic to a new blog is this: hire a writer who already has better connections with others. This way you will be able to save your time and money to drive traffic and build a great tribe around your blogging network.

You can use Google to find the best writers in your niche. Also make sure to consider the raising bloggers in your niche, you can hire them for affordable prices too! Once after finding the blog writer for your blog, observe his writing skills and background then decide whether he is a good choice for your business or not.

Hiring a blog writer who is already into blogging for awhile is often a great choice not only because you will get wider reach, but you can also use his network to get more comments and links to your posts.

Here are few things to observe while hiring a content writer for you blog:

  • Check out his guest posts (use Google and type “Guest post by (author name))
  • Check out his blogs and writing (read the comments on his blog, more comments = better for your blogs!)
  • Find out whether he is reliable or not
  • Contact him through email and discuss about the pricing factor

Aim for the long tail keywords

Driving traffic from search engines is the best and cheap ways to get more out of a blog. But most new bloggers do SEO all wrong, they embed the keywords again and again, this often leads to your site content penalized by Panda and Penguin.

Don’t keyword stuff your blog posts to bring organic traffic, instead try using long tail keywords to rank well in the search engines. Also remember, getting traffic from search engines require lot of patience, you don’t get the ripe fruits overnight. You have to work hard to build quality links around your blogs and you have to be persistent to get great results from the search engines.

Long tail keywords are those which contain the DESCRIPTIVE keywords.

What does it mean by long tail keywords?

How to Bring Traffic to A New Blog?
How to Bring Traffic to A New Blog?

For example, as a new blogger, you can rank better in the search engines by targeting long tail keywords like “blogging tips for advanced bloggers”, “traffic generation tips” etc (if you are running a IM or blogging related blog).

Link to others

And do it too often.


When you are linking to others too often, they will get trackbacks under the posts where you have linked to. When you have catchy headlines, this way you will have a probability of getting traffic from them.

More than traffic, you can grab others attention by linking them often. If the people find your contents interesting and relevant, they will also try to link back to your sites sooner or later.

Conduct giveaways

Everyone loves FREE stuff.

If you have a new blog and want to drive traffic, giveaways are the best choice.

No doubt, killer giveaways can pull more readers’ attention. But you must be providing the credibility to them, without having trust, you can’t build a better blog that matters.

So always make sure to invest some money in doing giveaways such as iphones, ipads, plugins, themes etc. to quickly build traffic, links, comments and shares on your NEW blogs.

In a nutshell: Though there are so many ways to bring traffic to a new blog, the methods mentioned here are simple to implement and very effective. As a professional blogger, all I can suggest you is NOT to focus solely on the traffic, instead focus on building loyal readership.

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